Friday, April 29, 2011


     Our government has many differing views on political issues and how to handle said issues. In the Judicial branch of our government, in many cases when facing a problem, officials will reference the Constitution. There are different views on how to interpret the Constitution. One of the two basic ways of interpreting the Constitution is called Originalism. Originalism is where an individual believes that what the constitution meant when it was written is what it means now. Our constitution was written hundreds of years ago for a developing country. We are a dominate world power not necessarily facing the same problems as when the founding fathers were forging the Constitution; how can we expect the intended meaning back then be applicable to todays issues?
     There needs to be a universal adaptive view on the Constitution, one that will hold true for the twenty-first century. If we don't even understand the vernacular of that time period or the intended thoughts of the composers, how can we even begin to claim to be able to administer justice based on the original text. John Madison even said that he did not understand what he was writing when he was working on the constitution. Advance and move forward, in order to become a better nation we must take what the founding fathers gave us and move forward with it. Don't be lazy and just take what has been given to us, but instead take what has been given to us and improve it to the benefit of our nation.

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