Friday, February 11, 2011

Mitt Romney vs. Obama

(Information pulled from The Los Angeles Times) On February 11, 2011 Mitt Romney addressed CPAC on its second day Friday, charging that Barack Obama has failed to lead on national security and the economy, calling him a "weak president." Los Angeles Times reporterwrites on how Romney is a potential presidential candidate for 2012 elections, who believes that Obama has failed in guiding this country through its economic hardships. Romney claims that "the president who took office on January 20th, 2009, should have had one central mission -- put Americans back to work, fight for every job because every job is a paycheck and paychecks fuel Americans' dreams." This article discusses the views Romney holds about what responsibilities the president has. Romney claims that he has unmatched experience in economic matters, given his work as a businessman, venture capitalist and organizer of the 2002 Olympics. Knowing where he stands on political issues is important because he may be running our country in about a year. 

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