Our Government raises many controversial topics. Topics such as health care, taxes and social security. Issues like health care I'm not even going to discuss, and I realize the importance of Government taxes. However, I am strongly opposed to social security. Personally I believe that if someone works, spending their time, their effort, they should be able to keep the money that they earn. I know that I am not the only one who feels this way. Sure the Government needs support from its citizens in order to fulfill its duties, I am totally supportive of that; what I'm not supportive of is that my hard earned money goes to help older citizens who may have squandered their time, money, and life.
My decision to be a responsible young man, go to school and work, should benefit me. It should not benefit people who didn't save when they were younger. Not only do I lose hundreds of dollars every couple of pay checks, but my own social security funds will be non-existent by the time I am old enough to retire. The number of elderly people retiring is growing rapidly and social security funds are being used up at a rate far greater than they are being replenished. Immigrants from other countries are often times older than I am, meaning that they will get a job and retire before I will. My money that I have been earning for the past 3-4 years and will continue to earn for the rest of my life, will go to these immigrants. There will be no social security in 50-60 years. The Government needs to reconsider this foolish idea and not take from hard working citizens who so desperately need the money that they work so hard to earn. Figure it out, but don't take my money that I earned.
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