Friday, May 13, 2011


I agree with my colleague in their article "gas prices" that the government is carrying out this investigation to try to please its citizens; however. I don't believe that if they truly investigated they wouldn't find foul play. Gas companies have formed a monopoly on the gas supply which is why they are able to raise gas prices so high. The government turns its back on this because it doesn't want to get its hands dirty.

All gas stations get there gas from the same place, it is simply shipped in differently labeled trucks giving the impression that it comes from other sources. It's not so much the petroleum issue going on over seas, that is simply a scapegoat for the gas stations to justify their ridiculously high prices. You are correct that hybrids and public transportation are good alternatives and absolutely ride your bike. But don't fool yourself into thinking that the government doesn't believe there is any foul play.